12″ – 18″ rock
Aggregate materials are not made the same, but can be labeled the same. There are guidelines in the production of materials. What is the difference?
Class 5 gravel is used for roads, driveways, and parking areas. What makes better class 5?
- More binder (No. 200 sieve size)
- Less sand (No. 40 sieve size)
- lots of different size rock.
Pit run – used as general fill material.
Screened sand ¼” minus – No big rocks, used for back fill material.
River rock- smooth surface rock, used for landscaping and decorative.
1” to 2” Crushed rock- rock will have sharp edges; packs in place for landscaping or decorative applications or for drainage on driveways.

Decorative landscape rock
2” to 6” Screened rock- mostly smooth surface; natural rock is used for landscaping or decorative applications and in ditches for drainage.
6” to 12” Rock- mostly smooth surface, natural rock; used for landscaping, erosion control, ditches, and retaining walls.
12’ to 18” rock – mostly smooth surface, natural rock; used for erosion control, ditches, and retaining walls or decorative.
18” to 24” rock – mostly smooth surface, natural rock; used for erosion control, ditches, and retaining wall or decorative.

Free sandbox sand – you haul
Over 24” rock – mostly smooth surface, natural rock; decorative applications and retaining walls.
Screened black dirt- big rocks and sod are screened out, there may be small rocks 1” and smaller, used for landscaping.
Unscreened black dirt
Beach sand